-By Oba Samuel
The more I minister to couples the more I see the problems sex is causing in marriages that many couples are not talking about which is affecting other areas of their marriages negatively.
A man lamented how his wife of 19 years in marriage packed out of their matrimonial house citing unhappiness as the course.
Counselling sessions with the wife made me discover the real cause of unhappiness is their bedroom life.
To have a healthy marriage laced with fun and emotional connection, it is pertinent that the wife must be happy in bed.
I want every husband to know that it, it is a risk for marriage if the wife is not sexually satisfied.
Unfortunately, many married women are in this category and until this area is addressed, the couple will be emotionally disconnected and it may lead to the total collapse of their marriage.
- WITHDRAWAL: One major way to know that you have not satisfied your wife in bed is withdrawal. If you’re very observant, you will notice emotional disconnection as she becomes withdrawn from you gradually and it can lead to living together like co-tenants instead of soulmates.
2. SEXUAL DENIALS: When your wife is suffering from a lack of sexual satisfaction, she may engage in constant rejection of your sexual advances because the previous experiences left her emotionally hurt instead of satisfied.
Husbands often see their resistance as rejection but it is a pointer to the fact that something is fundamentally wrong that needs to be attended to quickly .Open a sexual communication with your wife for you to know .
If a man does not satisfy his wife sexually, she may respond in negative ways like; total shut down of her emotion towards sex as she ‘dies’ silently, she may become aggressive towards the husband and she may engage in masturbation/use of sex toys or look for someone else who can satisfy her sexual needs.
This approach is very wrong and sinful that is why I want every husband to sit up and take the right steps towards restoring their sexual stamina and performance. Some of which are:
1.MOVE FROM SEXUALITY TO SENSUALITY :Women get easily connected with their husbands in bed if they have got mind connection with him first.these
To a woman ,their central sexual system is controlled by the mind.
So, if she is not happy with you due to your wrongdoings, she will be sexually not responsive. Or if she does not feel secure as a result of your sexual immorality with other women, she will not be happy to release herself to you sexually.
Look into what she is complaining about that you are doing wrong, amend your ways, and apologize.
Don’t seek to satisfy your sexual urge but seek for mind connection and reconnection. Move from sexuality to sensuality and she will be more happy in bed.
2. BE A STUDENT NOT A COMMANDER: The mistake of many husbands is to sound like a military commander in the bedroom when they ought to be students.
Aggression will kill affection in the bedroom if you don’t listen to your wife.
Be her student by asking her what she wants, how she wants to be touched, where she wants you to touch, and how she wants to be kissed which will excite her and send passion into her intimacy gland.
Calm down, don’t let unfiltered tension push you into penetration at the wrong time because this will make her feel sad and emotionally injured.
3. LEARN TO LAST LONGER: Several men have sex casually with their wives without looking at the feedback of sexual dissatisfaction in the eyes of their wives. Many husbands are guilty of this.
In this generation, many husband can not last long in bed due to premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
Any time you ejaculate within 1 or 2 minutes in bed, you push the sadness button of your wife.
To make your wife happy in bed, you must be sexually active to last long enough to bring her to the point where she will moan and scream in pleasure during sex.
Great husbands don’t ignore this area but they seek for solution. Some of which are:
A. Use Condom: this help to prevent the hypersensitivity of the penis to the vagina.
B . Eat fresh onions, fresh tomato juice, honey+ ginger, watermelon, etc.
C. Avoid alcohol/smoking, canned foods, sugary foods, and carbonated drinks.
D. Be in charge of your Breathing: One major sign to know that you are closer to ejaculation is deep and rapid breathing but you need to control it if you want to thrust longer to give your wife sexual satisfaction.
#As a man, always switch off your mind from your sexual activities to avoid sending quick signals to your sperm duct.
#Engage in diaphragmatic breathing. This helps you to take charge of your breathing to bring your mind and body to a relaxed state and thereby delay ejaculation. How can we achieve this;
@Start by breathing through your nose for 7-8 seconds-expanding your diaphragm
@Secondly,hold your breath for 5 seconds
@Slowly release the air through your mouth until all the air is out
@Repeat the process 5 to 10 times until you have suspend the pressure that want to push you into instant ejaculation. Then you can continue the race strong and finish well to your wife’s applause.
To make your wife happy in bed, kicking premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction out of your marriage is a must. Solutions to these are in my book -Enjoying the Benefits of Marriage (strictly for married)
Your Family Coach,
Oba Samuel
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