-Oba Samuel
If your spouse is addicted to pornography activities, fighting and condemning the person will not help. Instead seek for help and the following points can be of help:
Read Pornography and your Sex life
Pornography And Your Sex Life
1.Pray : Commit the heart and brain of Addicted spouse to the Holy Spirit. You need the Holy Spirit to take over his/her heart from the spirit of sexual pervasion.
2.Avoid sexual denials :I have met quite a number of born again Christian who resort to Porn and masturbation because of their spouses incessant sexual denials.
3.Confront the addict with peace, wisdom and love, not with violence. Don’t be angry or aggressive.
Love conquers all, draw people closer while aggression brings enmity, violence and resentment .
4.Speak to a Pastor or counsellor who can help you
5.Advise him/her to set boundaries .How?-Avoid staying longer in the room alone, switch off phone and laptop by 10pm daily, avoid watching T.V late in the night, avoid visiting x-rated websites .
6.Encourage him to destroy all the bookmarks and videos related to porn.
7.Create better room for intimacy and sex
8.Encourage him/her to go for deliverance. There was a case of a man who is so addicted to porn that he often snap and film his wife while bathing or sleeping. A demon of sexual pervasion has possessed him and it takes divine authority to deliver him.
Please,pray the following prayer points aggressively for maximum results:
#father,break the stronghold of porn and other sexual perversion in me/my spouse in Jesus name
#I received power to say no to inordinate affection and immortality in Jesus name
#Blood of Jesus,purify the my mind in Jesus name
#O Lord,make me fall in Love with my spouse afresh
#Father,put an end to every battle in my family in Jesus name
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Your Family & Relationship Coach,
Pst Oba Samuel