– By Oba Samuel
“For there is hope for a tree,
If it is cut down, that it will sprout again,
And that its tender shoots will not cease.
Though its root may grow old in the earth,
And its stump may die in the ground,
Yet at the scent of water it will bud
And bring forth branches like a plant.”Job 14 7-9
As years rolled-by in marriage, many couples complained and battles with diminishing affection and romance in their marriage. Once red-hot romance, intoxicating affection and wildly love is fading away and their marriages is going into the cold weather but nobody bargain for this at the beginning
Regardless of how long, romance has gone out of your marriage; you can still re-awaken it to the level it was at the beginning, even better. How?
1. Willingness:
‘If you are willing and obedient you shalt eat the good of the land.”
Be willing to restore romance into your marriage.
Willingness of the couples to rekindle the fire of love, romance and affection is what will stir them out of cold love and complacency.
Any marriage left unattended to will not remain the same, it will go from bad to worse.
When there’s a will, there’s a way.
Nothing will change in marriage until Couples are willing to make a change.
Be ready to work on your marriage, to rebrand it and give it a face-lift until your marriage is full of honeymoon induced joy.
Your unwillingness to work on your marriage is the reason love is lean in your marriage.
2. Heart induced action:
Actions that will awake romance in marriage is not mechanical, it is heart-based.
” My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45:1
Let your thoughts life be full of different ideas of how to make your spouse happy and not how to hurt.
Think of what to do that will make your spouse feel loved, it is not something to be nagged or coerced to do. No! It has to be voluntary.
You can achieve lasting romance if your positive actions emanate from your heart.
Unfortunately, many only think deeply about how to punish or hurt their spouse.
3. Be Creative: The true description of romance is creativity. It is expressing love to your spouse in a creative way.
This is a sign that you have included your spouse in your daily schedule.
Be Creative about how you celebrate his/her birthday, plan a weekend getaways, dinner nights, giving gifts, re-arrange your bedroom; among others.
Just be creative, unpredictable, even the way you answer/pick your spouse’s calls.
4. Have a service mind: You can’t truly serve your spouse
if you don’t have the mind to serve.
Having a service mind will always make you eager to offer act of kindness, support and assistance to your spouse without expecting anything in return.
The service mind will not make you see anything your spouse done to you as a right but a privilege and you will appreciate it.
If you are waiting for your spouse to serve you in marriage, you will overburdened love and push romance into extinction.
If your spouse started engaging in service based actions, do not take him/her for granted but load him/her with appreciation and reciprocate.
5. Promote Oneness: You can’t awaken romance in marriage without promoting oneness.
Think and act as one and not as two separate entities. Pursue joint vision, joint goals, do things together and go out together.
Be generous to your spouse because stinginess repels. Don’t permit your job, career, ministry or children to bring division into your midst.
6. Be Friendly: You can’t renew or sustain intimacy in marriage without being friends as husband and wife.
Friendliness boosts romance among couples. So, be intentional in building friendship by talking, playing, planning and share jokes with your spouse daily. Don’t be an official couple, be fond of each other and romance will flow naturally.