There’s no better way to start the new year than to treat your marriage better than it used to be. The state of your marriage determines the outcomes of your life this year. Rest at home will help you to generate maximum productivity while tension-filled marriage will reduce your capacity and dwindle your results.
1. Improve your relationships with God
Successful marriages are not built on simple human intimacy alone, you need intimacy with God first.
Make it your priority as individual to get closer to God this year like never before. Strive hard to live in righteousness, pray more, study the Bible better, get committed to the things of God and ensure that your children also get addicted to God. Pray more as a couple and family and you will be far above challenges and oppositions.
Note: If you’re still struggling with sexual immorality, prayer and other forms of sins, inconsistent walk with the Holy Spirit is the reason for consistent spiritual coldness and immoral lifestyles. Confide in your spiritual leader or mentor for possible assistance.
2. Plan
Plan to make your marriage better this year and do everything possible to achieve it. Part of your plan should be to become a better husband/wife and you have to be intentional about getting yourself equipped with relevant resources through books, messages, marriage/Couple’s seminars and seek godly counsel.
3. Improvement
Strive for improvements in your career, professions, business or ministry. Get better, get rid of “I’ve arrived” mindset. Get relevant resources, attend seminars, meet a mentor and become an advanced version. Your improvement will affect your patronage and earnings. Your earnings will affect your marriage because financial crisis is a thief of peace and harmony in marriage. More money may mean more honey in your marriage.
4. Grow beyond bad attitudes
The current state of your marriage is a product of your attitudes and characters. Don’t just wish for a better marriage, get rid of your bad attitude that’s irritating and injurious to your spouse. Any negative attitudes that has become a Siamese twins in your life, seek help on how to overcome it and stop justifying yourself. Grow beyond being unthankful, laziness, pride, abusiveness, unhealthy competition, comparison, stinginess, deceitfulness and others that make you odious to your spouse.